Asgalon Tikal Calculators Support Page

This is the support page for the Asgalon Tikal Calculators, which are available through the Apple App Store. An Android version is in preparation.

Tikal-25 scientific-technical calculator

This app emulates a calculator model from 1978. It is restricted to a 8 digits display, which is sufficient for most tasks. Internally, it uses 128bit Decimals for arithmetic operations and 64bit Doubles for transcendental functions, so rounding errors should be mostly negligible. The correctness of the calculations is verified with a set of now 45 unit tests that feed different types of calculations into the engine and verify the correctness of the displayed result against known values.
Whenever a choice has to be made between nostalgia and enhanced usability, normally I choose better usability. So the accuracy is much higher than possible in 1978, and the user interface uses dynamic elements to improve input feedback. So this is an evolving system, improving with usage experience.
Tikal-25 app screenshot, light mode Tikal-25 app screenshot, dark mode
Tikal-25 statistics view, light mode Tikal-25 log view, dark mode
Tikal-25 arabic preview, dark mode Tikal-25 chinese preview, light mode
Basically, there is not much here yet, support-wise. I wrote this app because my calculator failed after 46 years and I decided to transfer it to the iPhone, and since it was quite an effort to develop this I am offering it to the public. I have no idea yet if there is any demand for this. The Tikal-25 app will receive updates from time to time. It depends a bit on the demand. We are a bit informal right now. In case of support needs please write a plain text email to support (at)
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Hints and Tips

Here you can read the online version of the Manual. The online version contains the features of the version under development.

To Do

Known Problems

Next Version

The next version (1.3) will have a renewed design better adapted to the iPhone with larger buttons. The OFF switch, which was a remnant of the "emulator" setup will be replaced with a level switch to choose between different function sets, so level II will have the hyperbolic trigonometric functions and some more useful operations, such as definition of functions with up to 3 variable parameters. Also, Level III will have functions for computer and electronics engineering with hexadecimal, octal and binary base conversion and Boolean algebra operators. The basic system will get some early refactoring in preparation of an Android/Linux version
Next version will also have configurable display variants, probably for western, arab and klingon numerals first. There still is a slight problem with the button font configuration for that. Klingon and Arab hexadecimals are probably a bit experimental.
Tikal-25 V1.3 preview

Privacy Policy / Data Protection

We don't really handle any customer data, but here is the obligatory Privacy Policy required by the App Store.