Tikal-25 Manual - Features and Functions

Input method calculating problem entry in algebraic order
64 Calculator functions:
Aritmhmetic +,-,×,÷ 4
Data Entry +/-,π,rnd (random number in the range [0..1]) 3
Format Scientific notation,scientific notation removal 2
Algebraic x²,²√x,1/x,xy,x√y,x! 6
Clearing Clear input, clear all 2
Grouping Open and close parentheses, algebraic hierarchy 3
Memory Store, Recall, Sum, Exchange 4
Percentage %,+%,-%,×%,÷% 5
Trigonometry sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, Degree, Radian, Gon/Gradian 15
Logarithmic ln x, log10, ex, 10x, logy x, yx, log2, 2x 8
Constants operates with +,-,×,÷,yx,x√y 6
Functions operates with up to three variables x, y, z. Multiple functions may be defined. 1
Statistics ∑+,∑-,x̅,Variance,σ 5
Total 64
When = is pressed, all pending calculations are terminated and the result is displayed. = implicitly closes all open parentheses, which can be used as a shortcut when keying in a problem.
The accuracy is at least 64bit floating point numerals, where 8 decimals are displayed. When a result is used in the following calculation, the full accuracy is used even if only 8 digits are displayed. Arithmetic functions use Decimals internally, the transcendental functions work with Double, which may produce rounding errors. This is caused by the fact that the underlying software mathematics library for these functions operate with the Double type. This shoul dnot pose any problem since the rounding error wil still be insignificant for the type of calculations this emulator is aimed at. It only displays 8 digit numbers in the end.


Different from the original, this emulator is being prepared for localization. Up to now, only a few parts will actually have some localized items, such as the OFF key and some texts in the additional views. Since it takes a lot of effort to do good localized features in a user interface, this will be completed later on in case there is any serious demand.

Keyboard Description

Level I

Level II

When ∑+ is used, the calculator enters statistics mode. STAT is displayed in the status display and arithmetic functions are blocked until CLR is pressed twice to cancel statistics mode.